Greetings (1997)

For a Japemo demo screen.

Battling-girl (1997)

For a Japemo demo screen.


Allita punch (1997)

For a Japemo demo screen.

Adeline & bikini girl (1996)

For a Japemo demo screen.


The girl protector (1996)

For a Japemo demo screen – Bastard manga thema

Strong guy (1996)

For a Japemo demo screen.

Bastard (1996)

Pixed for a Japanim megademo for ATARI ST

End (1996)

Pixed for a Japanim megademo for ATARI ST


City at Night with font & sprites (1995)

For a Japemo demo screen.


Japemo main menu loader (1995)

Pixed for a Japemo screen (loader)
Minimalist gfx with lights & shades only.
Better than too much pillow shading or narrow dithering.


Hylst mirror corner (1995)

Pixed for a Japanim megademo for ATARI ST

Lamu and Rally (1995)

For a Japemo demo screen.

D lyr d’mo (1995)

Pixed for D lyr d’mo screen


Green haired girl (1995)

For a Japemo demo screen.

Hylst on paper (1994)

Pixed for an unfinished screen for Back in France demo. Sorry Thyrex

Back in france (1994)

Pixed for Back in France demo – For a screen that was never finished because unable to compile it and lot of time lost with a fu….. data loss (disks)…

Katsumi (1994)

Pixed for Megademo Screen Hylst Screxx

320x200x12c STf

Yes, i was kind of a manga fan at that time 🙂

Faces (1994)

For distorting, rotating & zoom effects on Japemo megademo screens

Nicky Larson (1994)

Pixed with crack art. Reproduction of the well known manga Nicky Larson for Japemo (Japanim’ Atari ST megademo)

320×200 16c

Nounours (1994)

Pixed for a Japanim megademo for ATARI ST


Atari for ever (1994)

Pixed for another demoscreen for Japemo megademo with scrolltext and lens effects.

Dirty pair (1992)

Pixed for Japemo megademo with Neochrome master, reproduction of a well know manga at that time .

Unfinished. 320x200x10 colours

Dirty pair (1992)

Pixed for Japemo megademo (Larquory demo sceeen)
Used in a vertical srolling demo screen.

319*315 16 colours

I was part of a crew created on purpose called Manga maniacs, but… it was not such a crew, still waiting for most other contributions =D more a manga fan club ^^

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